Thursday 4 September 2014

Small is beautiful - Paintings for the Orchid Festival

Polly o'Leary©©2014
Cymbalaria muralis - Ivy Leafed Toadflax

 In the spirit of getting ready for my stand at the Orchid Festival, I have been doing a painting a day.  Obviously they aren't large, but there's one that I think is really ditsy.   It may look like a miniature, but it's a life size view of the plant,  Cymbalaria muralis, common name Ivy Leafed Toadflax.  I have a real soft spot for this plant, it grows where other plants won't grow and seeds itself by burying the seedheads in crevices - which I think is amazing!   In this way, it scrambles over bare walls and along their bases, making a very decorative effect.  I think it's the bees knees, and so do the Bumbles, they can always be found buzzing around this plant on a summer's day.

The tiny brushes  and magnifyer had an outing for this one and despite it's size it took quite a long time to paint.  You'd think a small painting would be quick, but there's less room to move around and more chance of spoiling it.
It's the smallest painting I'm taking to the Festival, and I hope it enables those who see it to realise what a very specal plant it is.

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