Monday 19 May 2014

Small Things

Faff :-  
verb: faff; 3rd person present: faffs; past tense: faffed; past participle: faffed; gerund or present participle: faffing

spend time in ineffectual activity.


Having recently spent three months painting like a madwoman, I suddenly found that I couldn't paint at all!   For 2 weeks I mostly slept, catching up on sleep after all the late nights, or should I say early mornings?   Then of course, I thought I'd get right back into painting, especially as I have a deadline to meet.   But it didn't work like that, somehow I've found it really difficult to get started again.  So I've spent time catching up on other things, which have taken a backseat for the last two and a half years.

Having spent a whole week faffing about with paint and paper, I decided that painting small things might be a better idea.

So first thing to be painted was the top few inches of a willow branch with silky catkins.   I just love the silky aments, which remind me of cat's paws.

Willow Catkins - Salix
Miltoniopsis Flower

Then, out came the small pieces of paper, about 3inches by 4 inches.   And after three attempts I have something I don't feel like throwing away - at last! and about time.  A Miltoniopsis flower, which has waited too long for me to get painting and is now beginning to fade to purply hues.

I'm liking  painting the small things,  it may become a regular exercise, just to keep things interesting.

SBA Graduation!

Receiving the Diploma from Course Director Simon
The 9th of May was the day of Graduation from the Society of Botanical Artists DLDC Diploma course, Course 9.  The ceremony was held at the Art Worker's Guild in Bloomsbury, London -  A beautiful old building, and a lovely setting for a gathering of Botanical Artists.

After a long day at the SBA Exhibition, Westminster Central Hall, London, manning the Student Desk and talking to prospective students, it was time for a mad dash through London in a taxi. I even got to say "Follow that Cab" ! 

 Simon Williams, the new Course Director, Master of Ceremonies, did a grand job and kept things fairly  informal.  An international occasion, students had travelled from as far afield as Australia, Canada, Italy and America to name just a few.  Sadly some students were unable to travel to the ceremony, but their names were read out and we celebrated their achievements too.  Refreshments were served and we had the chance to catch up, make new friends and chat to the tutors.

So there we are.  Two and a half years gone in a flash, or so it seems, and the future is filled with botanical possibilities.