Monday 27 January 2014


Well after much thought and preparation, I got stuck into my first Diploma piece.    Fruit or Vegetable/s.   I'd had a hankering to paint this piece since last year, when I tackled the first Fruit and Vegetable Assignment, but as it was the middle of winter there was no chance of attempting it.   So I planned it for the Autumn, knowing that it would make a good subject for my Diploma piece.  

It made for a hectic autumn, completing the Working with Photographs assignment, and preparing,composing and completing the last Assignment - Mixed Flowers, whilst working on the preparation for the Diploma Piece, as I knew there would be no material available at the end of the year and after Christmas.   I did manage to get quite a bit recorded in my sketchbook, and also took plenty of Photographs, but it's never enough.  And of course it was coming to the very end of the fruiting season, which in Wales is very short anyway.   I do love a challenge.

© Polly O'Leary 2014 All Rights Reserved,

So how come I mainly painted leaves for this assignment?   There was fruit, and at one point I almost cried because the fruit are so fiddly to paint and Long Red Marconi Peppers started to look really attractive with the possibility of nice big juicy washes.  But as my dear son pointed out, I'd then be complaining it was too much red!  He was right, so I mentally gave myself a kick and carried on.   But those leaves!   Curled, holed, crispy and half-eaten, they were all so much fun to paint and against all my expectations, the unusual lack of snow and severe weather meant that I still had viable material in the garden!  I've put it out of sight now, as I started picking holes in it, even before it was finished.    Best to start work on the next one and take another look in a couple of weeks time.  Hopefully I won't be so critical of it then (fat chance!)

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone !
Well, here we are at the start of 2014 and for course 9, on the last leg.    I'm not alone on this course so I'm sure we're all beavering away.    Good Luck everyone!    Nearly there !
Just taking a little time out today to acquaint myself with some new stuff from Jackson's Art Supplies, a late Christmas present.    My parcel arrived yesterday and here's the photo.
A new sketchbook,  some Spotter brushes - never tried them but should be useful for tiny detailed bits, and some paint -  Jackson's Cobalt Blue, absolutely gorgeous, and DS Quinacridone Deep Gold,  so rich and transparent and just an amazing colour.    Don't you just love new art stuff  ?

Thursday 9 January 2014

Guest Artist at Jackson's Art Supplies

Jackson's Art - Guest Artist Polly o'Leary

Well I should have posted this aaaaages ago, but have had trouble accessing my Blog.   Seems to be sorted now.  

I was amazed and thrilled to be asked by Jackson's Art if I'd like to contribute a blog page to their Guest Artist Blog.  Would I?  Do plants need sunlight?  LOL   It took a while to get the photographs of my work to a standard to be digitised, and then of course there was the write up.  But I got there, and now my work is published on the Jackson's Art Blog in the guest artist section. 

So you didn't see it here first folks, as you should have, but you did see it here at last.

Off now to work on one of my Diploma pieces, and hopefully not have to start again - again!